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-THE ART STUDIO is an art program dedicated to providing an "Art Fundamentals Boot Camp" for dedicated Junior High School and High School

Students who have a strong desire to pursue arts beyond a hobby capacity.
This form of art instruction helps guide that passionate student in such a way that they can hone their skills and apply them for potential future career -based endeavors.

-THE ART STUDIO will provide students with a well- rounded, disciplined, and practical understanding of TRADITIONAL art skills and concepts that translate to real-world, marketable skills that are used in numerous practical industries in the modern world.

-The goal of T.A.S ( The Art Studio) is to hone the skills of passionate students and help them develop a strong skillset that they can utilize for future career based purposes if they wish.

-At T.A.S., The student and their future is the foundation for everything we do. And we are dedicated to equipping them with a perspective and foundation that, coupled with their own personal passion and drive, will give them a definite edge against their peers in a competitive job market. 

Meet The Creator And Owner Of "THE ART STUDIO"

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Thomas A. Steves


Thomas is a commercial artist and art educator (B.F.A. / M.A.A.E). He has worked for over 30 years as a commercial artist in film, television, live entertainment and consumer product design. He has also been an in-class educator for over 20 years to all levels of children, teens and adults. He has participated in local & state art competitions. He is the founder of THE ART STUDIO and serves as the main Director/ Instructor of the program.


THE ART STUDIO was born out of a frustration Thomas had as a young, passionate and focused artist during his highschool years. He knew what career path he wanted to pursue but found that the majority of art instructors he interfaced with did not have the necessary skills or knowledge base to teach him what he desired to be a successful, working artist.


He did his own footwork at that age, reached out to working industry professionals in his chosen career and sought guidance and mentorship opportunities with them. It was through these valuable relationships with industry professionals, that he gained the knowledge and skill set he would need to be a successful, career-based artist. Although Thomas did pursue advanced degrees in the arts, he found the same phenomenon occurred at the collegiate level that he experienced at the high school level.  


The art education field was filled with art educators that had numerous years and decades of classroom teaching experience and esoteric theory, but minimal real-world, working artist experience. It was during this process of exposure to art education over the last few decades that he formulated a plan to give young students like himself during his youth, a knowledge base and skilled instruction set he wished he had available to him during those years. Out of that desire, THE ART STUDIO was born. A program for the focused and dedicated student to get ahead of the game as a potential career- based working artist!

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