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What Will My Student Get From Attending the Program?

- An arts-based, affordable "after school" education alternative to the rising costs of a collegiate education. The pricing of which is similar in range to the average costs associated with Junior High  High School students after school extra-curricular or sports-related programs


-An art education  "Boot Camp" that will hone a students focused and dedicated knowledge and skill set to prepare them for employment competency after graduation from High School. This is an art program for focused students with a natural passion and ability and not geared towards "craft style" art.

- A focused  program with a guarantee of 20 classes per Session and  a program total of 40 weeks if the student desires that path of learning


-A small class size insure quality instruction

-We teach foundational, streamlined, marketable skills that can be used across numerous real-word trades and industries, while getting ride of the esoteric "Fluff" often associated with art instruction.

-Your student will have minimal expenses to incur for supplies.
( A minimal supplies list will be provided for students relative to each session signed up for.)

-Lectures and one-on-one-time with industry professionals to help your  student understand the market place they will be seeking employment from upon graduation or after continuing on to college build up your industry connections.
( parents are invited to observe and ask questions as necessary)


- Well-rounded knowledge and  a Certificate upon completion of program. 

-An overly-priced art education program that leaves students with minimal understanding of the real world realities of working artists.


-Parents scratching their heads in disbelief that they spent soo much money for something for their student with minimal return on that investment apart from "personal enrichment."


-Training in industry-related computer -based programs where training in such programs can already be found for free via tutorials on the internet.


-Assurances of job placement AFTER Highschool graduation. ( Since the art field marketplace is highly competitive, job placement is heavily dependent on numerous factors such as the the passion, drive, skillset and personality of the applicant. Along with the specific needs of the employer . Think of the working commercial arts world as being heavily influenced by the "audition" process with a portfolio in hand.  


-Instruction outside the teaching of tangible skills. I.E social issues related to art in society and culture.


-Trained to be an artist specifically for the purpose of having work on display in galleries or museums solely as the end goal. ( Although if the passionate student desires to pursue this industry , we would not discourage it- as the passion and focus of the dedicated student is the head of the spear we would like to help direct towards its intended target)


-*No online or web-based application instruction*. This is in order to give your student direct, in person , attentive, quality instruction. The art masters of generations past didn't have such tools and there is a reason they excelled the way they did, and why we still talk about and revere them to this day.
*(This may change if there is interest outside of Ventura county)

What is The Cost Of Tuition?

Can I Take Individual Sessions?

Will There be Testing?

Where Classes Being Taught?

What Will My Student NOT Get From Attending the Program?



No testing. The student will be responsible for what they get out of the program by what they put into it.

And that will be evident in the work they produce

Classes may be offered both ONLINE and at the studio located in Simi Valley, California depending on needs

of the student and availability.

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